Monday, 5 September 2016

Why I Started Blogging

Hello Everyone!

 I can't believe Its been almost two years since I started my blog.
People start blogs for many reasons: for fun, a way to escape from life around you, to brush up on writing skills etc.  I wanted to write a post about my wee journey through blogging and how it has helped shape me to the person I am today. 

 So lets take it back to the very beginning. at 20 years old, I had just graduated from Musical Theatre School and I was going through a bit of a rough patch to say the least. In the previous year, I developed a condition in my knee joints which meant I wasn't able to train as much as I had wanted to and it put a hold on my career. Over the next year it became increasingly tough as I lost all motivation and almost all of my confidence. After graduating from College, I had no idea what I wanted to do.

Since I can remember I have always loved fashion and beauty. I totally confess that I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to clothes as I never want to get rid of anything, My excuse being that everything will come back round in fashion one day! well that's what I like to think anyway....

I am also bit of a geek when it comes to research . I have always loved spending time researching brands and the latest products but you know what they say 'knowledge is power.' After many a day staring at four walls, I decided to put all of my passions into one and I started up a blog 'Brown-eyed Girl'.

When coming up with a title, I wanted it to be something personal to me. I named my blog after one of my favourite songs growing up as a kid 'Brown-eyed Girl' by Van Morrison. I freaking love that song and it's the best tune to go all out grandad dancing to!

The first few months were slooooow..... I think at the time the only person that was reading my posts was my mum! haha (poor mum) but over time my blog has grown and thankfully I now have more of you to share the love with.

It can be very scary to put yourself out there for all to see on the internet. During my time blogging, I have received lots of support from my friends and family and I have also received quite a bit of negativity. I think the main thing to remember is to do what makes you happy and not to be swayed by those who don't believe in your ability.  

Blogging has so many benefits but for me it was all about finding a voice again that I thought I had lost. The blogging community is also filled with so many talents and its exciting to meet with other creatives who also love sharing their journeys. 

After two years, I still enjoy writing. Although I may not be the smartest cookie in the biscuit tin when it comes to grammar, I am looking forward to creating more content and improving my blog everyday! I can honestly say that this blog has helped me grow in confidence, to find a purpose and has also helped me to create a platform that I can use in a career. 

My advice to anyone who is thinking about starting a blog would be to bite the bullet and go for it!  Be unique, focus on what your passions are and to always trust your instincts!

'Never be afraid to be who you want to be.'

Lots of Love 

 Paige xxx


  1. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I love your dress.

  2. Thank you very much lovely! The dress is from Asos :) xx
